Dog Training Classes in Brookland, Aldington and Rainham

Whether you’re thinking about getting a puppy, considering going down the route of rescue, or already own a dog that you would like to do further training with, Gefion Dog Training are here to help.

Your one-stop solution

The Kennel Club Good Dog Citizen Scheme is the largest training programme in the United Kingdom. Dog owners of any fitness level can partake. The scheme is non-competitive and consists of 4 levels; Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold. All courses are 10 weeks and finish with a test of achievement. Please click the button below to find out more information.

Please click below to register for our classes

We will be in touch once received with course details.

Kennel Club Good Citizen Status Listed Club.
Group Training. 1-2-1 Training.

This comprehensive Puppy course will lay the foundations and guide you through your puppies crucial learning and development stages.

It will teach your puppy life skills and how to make choices that will help to form a wonderful bond and relationship with you, whilst also teaching them how to cope in the real world in the right way.

You will learn how puppies learn by association, positive socialisation, all about canine enrichment, canine body language, the puppy development stages and more. We will cover all aspects of puppy behaviour as well as basic training, such as foundations for walking nicely on a lead and for recall and coming back when called.

You will learn how to help and support your puppy, manage surprises, how to respond and love their name, how to interact calmly with people and other dogs, the importance of settle, the importance of toy play, polite greetings and keeping four paws on the floor, being able to engage and respond to you around distractions, hand targeting, building confidence, impulse control, leave, focus and helping you to develop a fantastic relationship and bond with your puppy through play, fun and games.

The Course

This course is designed as the entry level for those wishing to complete their assessment with the Kennel Club. We will cover all the exercises included in the Bronze award such as; cleanliness and identification, collar, lead & equipment, walk on lead, control at door/gate, controlled walk amongst people and dogs, stay on lead for 1 minute, grooming, examination of dog, return to handler, gradually progressing the exercises throughout your course.

At the end of the course, we will arrange for an external examiner from the Kennel Club to come and assess you. We also allow you to continue your training and progress on to the Silver and Gold levels.

Anyone wanting to continue training will be able to start our Platinum courses, designed by us at Gefion Dog Training. This will introduce some completely new exercises and life skills for your dogs.

Locations & Classes

Aldington Village Hall
The Corner, Roman Road
Aldington, Ashford, TN25 7EE
Every Friday Morning

The Oast
Granary Close
Rainham ME8 7SG
Every Wednesday Evening

Brookland Village Hall
Boarmans Lane,
Brookland TN29 9QZ 
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings

Aldington – Next course starts 10th January

Rainham – Next course starts 5th February

Brookland Village Hall:

Boarmans Lane, Brookland TN29 9QZ 
This is where the scent classes are as well.

Brookland Village Hall- Next course starts 4th February  


Come & join us for some fun & life skills for your dog, Call

07738 032 607